601 E. Arrellaga St., Suite 201 in Santa Barbara
Call Us Today: (805) 687-1106



Preventive dentistry is the practice of caring for your teeth to keep them healthy. This helps to avoid cavities, gum disease, enamel wear, and more.

There are many forms of preventive dentistry, such as daily brushing and dental cleanings. To maintain optimal oral health, the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends visits to the dentist at regular intervals determined by a dentist.

These practices are designed to ensure that teeth are clean, strong, and white. Children should be taught proper oral hygiene at an early age.

Since overall health is directly tied to a healthy mouth, the prevention of oral conditions is the most important goal of our office. During your visits, our doctors and staff will go over detailed and individualized oral hygiene instructions such as brushing and flossing techniques. In addition, we perform topical applications of fluoride during each periodic visit.


Daily brushing and flossing reduce the chances of tooth decay. There is a dental material used to prevent cavities. The sealant is placed on the chewing surface of the posterior teeth; the purpose is to seal deep groves or dental crevices, the sealants acts as a barrier to prevent caries or decay. The procedure is painless and it is done in just a few minutes. What is great about dental sealants is that they are safe, cost effective and hold up well under the force of normal chewing.